Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Zoning Ordinance Update and Sub-Area Plan

On August 26, 2019 the Town Board created Ad Hoc Committees to review specific sections of Chapter 320 Zoning Ordinance rewrite/update and start implementation of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan.  Over the past year the Committees have held 15 public meetings to discuss the ordinance rewrite. 

In addition to the public meetings held, Greenville implemented a public engagement plan to allow the public to stay informed and participate in the conversation by developing three (3) newsletter articles in the quarterly paper newsletter, 13 electronic/social media posts, a post card mailing inviting residents and businesses to a public informational meeting, an open ended online survey tool to provide comments and feedback throughout the entire project, and a project website

In conjunction with the Zoning Ordinance update, Greenville also engaged in a Sub-Area Planning process to further examine specific areas of town for future development opportunities through a market driven research and planning process. This process was initiated in March 2020. A variety of public engagement tools were used  to seek input in developing the plan which included three (3) public meetings/workshops, 29 electronic/social media posts, three (3) paper newsletter articles, one post card mailing informing residents and businesses about a week long virtual Open House, two (2) interactive virtual Open House sessions, stakeholder interviews, and three (3) SocialPinPoint Interactive Map and Survey Websites for different stages in the process.

A public hearing has been scheduled for October 26, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. and will have both in person and virtual  options to speak on both projects. Agendas are posted typically a week prior to the meeting and can be found at the following location

To review the project website, including the Zoning Ordinance and Sub-Area Plan, please visit