Tuesday, October 6, 2020

October is Pedestrian Safety Month

A traffic-related pedestrian death occurs every 84 minutes in the U.S. and an average of about 60 pedestrians are killed each year in Wisconsin. Pedestrian safety is a two-way street. Whether you’re a driver or pedestrian, follow these simple safety tips to keep yourself and others safe:

Pay attention: By simply obeying traffic rules and being aware of vehicles and people in your vicinity, you greatly reduce your chances of being in a collision.

Don’t drive or walk distracted: Distraction changes the way we react and behave. Whether motorist or pedestrian, put down the phone and pay attention to what’s ahead.

Don’t drive or walk impaired: Alcohol and drug impairment can have deadly consequences. Nearly half of all traffic-related pedestrian fatalities involve an impaired driver or impaired pedestrian.

Be alert at night: 3 out of 4 pedestrian fatalities occur in the dark. Pedestrians, make yourself more visible by wearing bright, reflective clothing and consider carrying a flashlight. See our Do the Bright Thing post.