Friday, May 13, 2022

The Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department's Feature Friday

Each Friday, The Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department features something new for residents and visitors to learn more about. This week, we are excited to announce that the Heritage Fountain at Jennerjohn Park has been turned back on for the summer!

Standing at almost 11 feet tall, the Heritage Fountain has been a focal point at Jennerjohn Park since it was installed in 2004. It’s made of solid granite and features a soaring eagle at the top. The brick plaza surrounding the fountain includes benches, stone walls, memorial bricks and beautiful landscaping. The water within the Heritage Fountain is dyed a bright blue to help make it viewable form both near and far. Though there is no swimming, standing, or throwing money into the fountain, it is still the perfect place to relax and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature!

To see more photos of today's Feature Friday or to see more posts like this, check out the Parks & Recreation Facebook page at