Friday, December 3, 2021

The Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department's Feature Friday

Each Friday, The Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department features something new for residents and visitors to learn more about. This week, our parks crew sure did get into the holiday spirit with some Christmas lights!

Did you notice the holiday lights in the roundabout at the intersection of County Road CB and State Highway 15?

The Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for the maintenance of all three roundabouts on CTH CB between STH 15 and STH CA. The roundabout at the intersection of CTH CB and STH 15 is the only roundabout that currently gets holiday lights and this year marks the fifth year our crews have decorated it for the holiday season. The new roundabout located at CTH CB and Atlantis Drive is equipped with electric services but isn’t quite ready for holiday lights yet. It will take a few years for the trees and shrubs to grow large enough for us to add any lights. The roundabout located at the intersection W Greenville Dive and CTH CB doesn’t have electrical services. It was adopted by Community First Credit Union and is maintained primarily by them.

To see more photos of today's Feature Friday or to see more posts like this, check out the Parks & Recreation Facebook page at