Friday, December 11, 2020


As you recall, Greenville has been in the process of implementing its new 2040 Comprehensive Plan since adoption in 2019. Since then it has completed major projects including a complete rewrite of its Zoning Ordinance. With the ordinance complete the next major project to undertake is to proactively rezone properties having conflicting zoning and land uses.

On November 23, 2020 the Planning Commission and Town Board approved the rezoning process. The process includes an evaluation of properties to be rezoned by staff and the Zoning Committee, which is comprised of the Planning Commission and Town and Village Boards. Once the evaluation is complete public informational meetings will be held with property owners, whose property may be considered for rezoning, in order to explain the process and next steps. A public hearing is required with notice sent to property owners and their neighbors about the rezoning.

To help you stay informed about the project the following website has been created If you have any questions please feel free to contact Community and Economic Development Director Michael J. D. Brown at or 920-757-5151 ext. 2000.