A more detailed description and additional information about these projects can be found on our website at: http://townofgreenville.com/projects.php or by contacting our office at (920)757-7276.
- Greenwood Road Urbanization (STH 15 - Parkview Dr)
- An existing conditions survey is currently being performed. Following this, a conceptual design will be drafted.
- The project is planned to be constructed in 2021.
- South Creek Drive (School Rd-Molly Marie Ct)
- Construction is scheduled to begin the week of June 8
- Spring Road Pulverize and Pave (North Rd-Julius Dr)
- Beginning the week of May 18 you can expect to see mobilization and the deployment of traffic control and erosion control devices. They will also begin to pulverize the existing asphalt and begin culvert replacements.
- This section of road will be closed to all through traffic for approximately six weeks beginning on May 18.
Water & Sewer
- Hydrant Exercising and Flushing began the week May 11 and will continue throughout the next few months.
Parks, Recreation & Forestry
- Greenville Sports Complex
- Rettler Corporation has been contracted to design and engineer a new entrance road to the property. This new entrance road is consistent with the Master Plan for the park and will provide a safer access to the park from Hwy 96. Construction is planned to be completed in 2020.
- The Field of Dreams Referendum Steering Committee continues to explore options for beginning development of Phase 1 of the park. The committee is expected to bring a formal recommendation to the Town Board on May 18, 2020.
- Street tree planting is scheduled to be completed by Srb’s Trees the week of May 11, 2020. Once started, the planting is expected to be completed in three days however delays due to weather are possible.