Friday, December 13, 2019

The Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department's Feature Friday

Each Friday, the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department features something new for residents and visitors to learn more about. This week we want to tell you about trail plowing!

The Greenville Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department currently maintains approximately 6 miles of paved multi-use recreational trails. With many of these trails being only 3 season trails, you may wonder which trails can be used in the snowy months. Our crews work hard to keep just under 4 miles of trail are kept are clear in the winter. Because the CB Trail was grant funded, we are required to keep the entire length of the trail cleared of snow. That section of trail runs from Moonshadow Drive all the way to W Prospect Avenue where trail maintenance is taken over by the Village of Fox Crossing. We also clear a section of trail that runs from Jennerjohn Park, past the school, and under the Hwy 76 tunnel towards the YMCA.

Remember, our staff also helps with the regular snow plow operations as well. This means that that it may take us up to 72 hours after a snow event is over to have the trails cleared. So, be patient. We promise to do our best to get the trails plowed as soon as possible!

To find more on winter recreation, check out our interactive map here:

To see more photos of today's Feature Friday or to see more posts like this, check out the Parks & Recreation Facebook page at