Monday, June 3, 2019

Clean Up After Your Dog...PLEASE!!!

We love our dogs!  In many cases our dogs become part of the family. It's a good thing they are cute because its up to us to handle their waste - a not so fun part of dog companionship.

You may say, "just leave it, it will decompose". Actually THIS IS NOT the way to handle dog waste in your yard, along our trails & sidewalks, and in other people's property.

Here's why:
  1. It takes months for poop to decompose and in the meantime people and dogs step in those brown, smelly bombs and track them indoors. Yuck! 
  2. When it rains the rain washes poo residue into sewers and into our streams, rivers and lakes. NO, we DON'T want poopy stormwater in our drinking water.
  3. Dog waste, like human waste, poses a risk to public health and water quality. Double yuck!
So remember, PLEASE pick up after your dog, especially when on public property and property that isn't yours. Not only is it your responsibility, it is also the LAW! 

See Town Code: