Friday, January 21, 2022

The Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department's Feature Friday

Each Friday, The Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department features something new for residents and visitors to learn more about. This week, we are starting our "Meet the Staff" series again and first up is Tony!

For those of you who don't know, Tony is the Director of Greenville’s Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department and has served the Greenville community for nearly 19 years. Tony grew up in Milwaukee before earning his Urban Forestry and Forest Recreation degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Tony is a Certified Park and Recreation Professional and ISA Certified Arborist. As Director, he collaborates closely with many community groups like the Greenville Civic Club, Greenville Lions and Lioness Clubs, and Greenville Youth Sports to provide a variety of Park and Recreation opportunities to the community.

We asked Tony to tell us a little more about himself and here’s what he said:

Q: What’s the most exciting part of your job?
A: Working with an amazing team of professionals that are dedicated to providing excellent service to the community.

Q: What motivates you at work?
A: Seeing the community enjoying the programs and facilities we offer

Q: What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?
A: Park Ranger at a National Park

Q: What’s your favorite season and why?
A: Spring – warmer weather, more daylight, birds, flowers... what’s not to like!

Q: What’s your favorite TV show—the one you’re always watching on repeat?
A: New Girl
Q: If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A: Pizza, there are so many options and different types to choose from.

To see more photos of today's Feature Friday or to see more posts like this, check out the Parks & Recreation Facebook page at