Friday, August 6, 2021

The Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department's Feature Friday

Each Friday, The Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department features something new for residents and visitors to learn more about. This week we need your help in wishing our seasonal staff a farewell!

As another summer is coming to an end, we want to give a HUGE shout out to our seasonal employees! Over the course of the summer they have helped us with grounds and facility maintenance, mowing and trimming grass, painting, trash pickup, and SO much more! We may be bias, but we think we had some of the most ambitious, hardworking seasonal employees out there! Without their help, our summer would have been a lot less sunny.

Shelby is wrapping up her third and final summer with us here in the Parks and Rec Department. She is headed to her junior year at Northern Michigan University where she is majoring in secondary education for math. After school, she plans to become a college math professor. During work she enjoys the people she works with, mowing and being outdoors and in her free time she enjoys playing tennis, hiking, fishing, and spending time with friends. Shelby has been an amazing asset to our team and an absolute pleasure to work with. We sure are going to miss her!

Marcus is finishing his first summer with the Parks and Rec Department. He’s headed into his first semester at Milwaukee Technical College. After school, he hopes to play professional baseball. During work he enjoys driving the tool cat and eating lunch with his coworkers and in his free time he enjoys playing baseball and hunting.

This was Savanna’s first summer with us here in Greenville Parks and Rec as well. She is set to begin her sophomore year at University Wisconsin, Platteville for Forensic Investigation. After school she hopes to work in federal investigations. During work she enjoys getting to work on a variety or jobs and being outside. In her free times she enjoys reading, archery, kayaking, fishing, drawing and listening to music.

Help us as we say THANK YOU and goodbye to our seasonal employees!

To see more photos of today's Feature Friday or to see more posts like this, check out the Parks & Recreation Facebook page at