Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Absentee Ballots to be Mailed Starting September 15, 2020

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled Clerks can proceed with mailing out absentee ballots.  We will be mailing absentee ballots to voters with their requests on record starting September 15.  
 It will take a couple of days to get them all out so please be patient, but keep an eye on your mailbox.  Also note the post office will be overwhelmed with the volume of requests sent over the next two days.  You can track your absentee request online at:  https://myvote.wi.gov
We encourage everyone to request their ballot as early as possible to ensure they have enough time to fill it out and return it.  If you haven’t requested your absentee ballot yet, you can request it online at https://myvote.wi.gov

Under law, in-person absentee voting cannot begin until October 20, 2020.