Friday, August 2, 2019

The Parks, Recreation & Forestry Departments's Feature Friday

Each Friday, the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department features something new for residents or visitors to learn more about. This week we need your help in wishing our seasonal staff a farewell!

As another summer is coming to an end, we want to give a HUGE shout out to our seasonal employees! Over the course of the summer they have helped us with grounds and facility maintenance, mowing and trimming grass, painting, trash pickup, and SO much more! We may be bias, but we think we had some of the most ambitious, hardworking seasonal employees out there! Without their help, our summer would have been a lot less sunny. 

Shelby is finishing her first summer here with us working primarily in the Sanitary District, but helping out in the Parks Department whenever we needed her! She is headed to her freshman year at Northern Michigan University where she plans to major in math and minor in Spanish. After school, she plans to be an actuary. Shelby grew up in Appleton and enjoys tennis and hanging out with her friends and family in her spare time.

Isaac’s second summer with the Parks Department is nearing its end. After summer, he’s headed into his sophomore year at St. Norbert College where he hopes to major in accounting or economics. Although still undecided, Isaac has many ambitions after his schooling is complete. One of the most exciting is becoming a pilot. Isaac grew up right here in Greenville! In his spare time, he enjoys fishing, hunting, and playing baseball.

Sam is also on her second summer here with the Parks Department. When summer’s over, she will be headed back to Northern Michigan University to begin her sophomore year. She’s is majoring in accounting and corporate finance with a minor in Spanish. While still undecided about where she may go with her degrees, she is considering a career in auditing. Sam grew up in Hortonville. In her spare time she likes to play guitar and go hiking.

Bison just finished his fifth summer with the Greenville Parks Department, making him the longest tenured seasonal employee in department history. He graduated from St. Norbert College in 2017 with a major in biology and minor in Spanish. He will be starting at the Medical College of Wisconsin in the fall. After school, he plans to specialize in pediatrics. He grew up locally, right here in Greenville, and enjoys working out and playing golf in his spare time.

Help us as we say THANK YOU and goodbye to our seasonal employees! 

To see more photos of today's Feature Friday or to see more posts like this, check out the Parks & Recreation Facebook page at