Monday, August 19, 2019

Census 2020 is Preparation Underway!

U.S. 2020 Census preparation is underway. The US Census program is looking for individuals to be Census Takers. The position is paid and if you are interested see the attached flyer for more information on how to apply. You can also go to their website at

Why is a census done? How does taking a census count for the Town of Greenville affect our community? Why should residents complete the 2020 Census Questionnaire when it arrives in their mailbox in March - April of 2020?

Answer: Our final Census count is very important. The Town's census data determines how funds are allocated and spent in our community on things like roads, schools and medical services. $675 billion in Federal funding is distributed to States and Communities each year. The census count also determines your State’s representation in Congress and is used in drawing boundaries for districts.